indurad at the MINEXPO, Las Vegas: 24. – 26. September 2024

Learn about the key 3 challenges in the mining industry with productivity, quality and sustainability.

indurad at Mining Metals Kasakhstan, 17. – 19. September 2024

Learn about the key 3 challenges in the mining industry with productivity, quality and sustainability.

indurad at the EXPOSIBRAM, Belo Horizonte: 9. – 12. September 2024

Learn about the key 3 challenges in the mining industry with productivity, quality and sustainability.

updated indurad solution brochure

The new indurad solution brochure is now available for download through our website.

indurad at the “AMM Congress” Kazakhstan, 6. – 7. June 2024

Learn about the key 3 challenges in the mining industry with productivity, quality and sustainability.

indurad at “The CIM Convention & Expo” Vancouver, 12. – 15. May 2024

Learn about the key 3 challenges in the mining industry with productivity, quality and sustainability.

indurad at MINEX Kasakhstan, 17. – 18. April 2024

Learn about the key 3 challenges in the mining industry with productivity, quality and sustainability.

indurad at “SME Annual Conference” Phoenix, 25. – 28. February 2024

Learn about the key 3 challenges in the mining industry with productivity, quality and sustainability.

indurad at the FUTURE MINERALS FORUM, Riyadh: 11th January 2024

Learn about the key 3 challenges in the mining industry with productivity, quality and sustainability.

AUSTRALIAN METS SPECIAL: Overcoming Key Challenges 
in the Mining Industry

Learn about the key 3 challenges in the mining industry with productivity, quality and sustainability.

indurad at the Mining Show Dubai, 21. – 22 November 2023

Looking forward to meeting you in Dubai in person again! Learn how indurad ’s Radar sensors build a “smart home” for mining and bulk material handling.

indurad at Mining Metals Kasakhstan, 20. – 22. Sept. 2023

Stand C2.225/12! Looking forward to meeting you in Almaty in person again! Learn how indurad ’s Radar sensors build a “smart home” for mining and bulk material handling.