Lime Producer

Fast and easy installation

The compact iSilo solution, consisting of a single scanning radar (iSDR-P) and a combined processing and connectivity unit (iRPU-F) provides a complete surface model of the inventory.
Knowing the capacity and deriving the current fill level significantly improves loading and unloading and truck dispatch. The results are significantly reduced cue times and more customer deliveries per day. Especially one factor improves the overall dispatch process, as a loading truck does not have to wait any more until a unloading truck finished his work. So the system now allows simultaneous loading and discharging of the silo.

Language selector

We use Google Language Translator Plugin that uses the free Google automatic machine translation.

Be aware that not all translations have to be correct and that your IP address will be transmitted to Google to receive the translations.

You can always return to our original English version. 




